Bell numbers, determinants and series P K Saikia and Deepak Subedi Abstract Full Text: [PDF (216 kB)] | pp.151-166 |
The smallest Randic index for trees Li Bingjun and Liu Weijun Abstract Full Text: [PDF (244 kB)] | pp.167-175 |
A new generalization of Hardy-Berndt sums Muhammet Cihat Dagli and Mumun Can Abstract Full Text: [PDF (206 kB)] | pp.177-192 |
On partial sums of a spectral analogue of the Mobius function Kalyan Chakraborty and Makoto Minamide Abstract Full Text: [PDF (219 kB)] | pp.193-201 |
Distribution of residues and primitive roots Jagmohan Tanti and R Thangadurai Abstract Full Text: [PDF (198 kB)] | pp.203-211 |
On rationality of moduli spaces of vector bundles on real Hirzebruch surfaces Indranil Biswas and Ronnie Sebastian Abstract Full Text: [PDF (240 kB)] | pp.213-223 |
Characteristic classes for GO(2n) in etale cohomology Saurav Bhaumik Abstract Full Text: [PDF (247 kB)] | pp.225-233 |
A note on 2-nilpotence of finite groups Jiangtao Shi and Cui Zhang Abstract Full Text: [PDF (131 kB)] | pp.235-238 |
Conjugacy class sizes and solvability of finite groups Qinhui Jiang and Changguo Shao Abstract Full Text: [PDF (159 kB)] | pp.239-244 |
Notes on discrete subgroups of Mobius transformations Hua Wang, Yueping Jiang and Wensheng Cao Abstract Full Text: [PDF (177 kB)] | pp.245-251 |
A note on the Fuglede-Putnam theorem Fotios C Paliogiannis Abstract Full Text: [PDF (175 kB)] | pp.253-256 |
Multiple decomposability of probabilities on contractible locally compact groups Wilfried Hazod and Katrin Kosfeld Abstract Full Text: [PDF (368 kB)] | pp.257-281 |
Asymptotic distribution of products of sums of independent random variables Yanling Wang, Suxia Yao and Hongxia Du Abstract Full Text: [PDF (191 kB)] | pp.283-292 |
Series solutions and a perturbation formula for the extended Rayleigh problem of hydrodynamic stability V Ganesh and M Subbiah Abstract Full Text: [PDF (169 kB)] | pp.293-302 |