Bell numbers, determinants and series P K Saikia and Deepak Subedi Abstract Full Text: [PDF (216 kB)]
The smallest Randic index for trees Li Bingjun and Liu Weijun Abstract Full Text: [PDF (244 kB)]
A new generalization of Hardy-Berndt sums Muhammet Cihat Dagli and Mumun Can Abstract Full Text: [PDF (206 kB)]
On partial sums of a spectral analogue of the Mobius function Kalyan Chakraborty and Makoto Minamide Abstract Full Text: [PDF (219 kB)]
Distribution of residues and primitive roots Jagmohan Tanti and R Thangadurai Abstract Full Text: [PDF (198 kB)]
On rationality of moduli spaces of vector bundles on real Hirzebruch surfaces Indranil Biswas and Ronnie Sebastian Abstract Full Text: [PDF (240 kB)]
Characteristic classes for GO(2n) in etale cohomology Saurav Bhaumik Abstract Full Text: [PDF (247 kB)]
A note on 2-nilpotence of finite groups Jiangtao Shi and Cui Zhang Abstract Full Text: [PDF (131 kB)]
Conjugacy class sizes and solvability of finite groups Qinhui Jiang and Changguo Shao Abstract Full Text: [PDF (159 kB)]
Notes on discrete subgroups of Mobius transformations Hua Wang, Yueping Jiang and Wensheng Cao Abstract Full Text: [PDF (177 kB)]
A note on the Fuglede-Putnam theorem Fotios C Paliogiannis Abstract Full Text: [PDF (175 kB)]
Multiple decomposability of probabilities on contractible locally compact groups Wilfried Hazod and Katrin Kosfeld Abstract Full Text: [PDF (368 kB)]
Asymptotic distribution of products of sums of independent random variables Yanling Wang, Suxia Yao and Hongxia Du Abstract Full Text: [PDF (191 kB)]
Series solutions and a perturbation formula for the extended Rayleigh problem of hydrodynamic stability V Ganesh and M Subbiah Abstract Full Text: [PDF (169 kB)]
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems (IJVSS) is a quarterly journal and is published by MechAero Foundation for Technical Research & Education Excellence (MAFTREE). MAFTREE is a Section 25 company limited by guarantee, based in Chennai (formerly, Madras), India and engaged in the promotion and advancement of technical education and research in the field of mechanical, aerospace and other branches of engineering. IJVSS will endeavour to publish high quality original research and review papers, case studies, technical notes and book reviews. All published papers in this journal will have undergone rigorous peer review.