Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics-February 2012

CODEN:IJOPAU 50(2) 71-142

ISSN:0019-5596 (Print); 0975-1041 (Online)



Effect of rotation and Hall current on mixed convection MHD flow through a porous medium filled in a vertical channel in presence of thermal radiation

Performance evaluation of force transducers

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Scaled quantum mechanical study of 2-acetylfluorene

Electromagnetism, Optics, Acoustics, Heat Transfer, Classical Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics

Optical band gap of polyvinylpyrrolidone/polyacrilamide blend thin films

Effect of LiCl, NaCl and KCl on aqueous phenylalanine at 303 K

Physics of Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges

Arbitrary amplitude dust ion acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a plasma with non-thermal electrons

Condensed Matter: Structural, Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Structural, electrical and optical characterization of CuInS2 thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis

Preparation and characterisation of yttrium based luminescence phosphors

Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties

Optical study of poly(ethyleneterephthalate) modified by different ionizing radiation dose

Interdisciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology

Current-mode universal filter topology with electronic tuning property using single current follower

Authors for correspondence are indicated by (*)


Keyword Index

(YxGd1-x)BO3:Eu3+                                     123
(YxGd1-x)O3:Eu3+                                        123
2-acetyl fluorene(2AF)                                  91

Absorption coefficient                                 100
Adiabatic compressibility                             105
Apparent molal compressibility                   105
Apparent molal volume                                105

Band gap                                                      117
Biquadratic filter                                          133
Blend                                                           100

Chaotropes                                                   105
Convection flow                                            77
Copper indium disulphide                            117
Current follower                                          133

Density functional theory                               91
Double layers                                               110

Extinction coefficient                                   100

Force transducer                                            86
FTIR                                                              91
FT-Raman Spectra                                         91

Hall current                                                    77

Ion-ion                                                         105
Ion-solvent                                                   105
IS 4169-1988 (reaffirmed 2003)                    86
ISO 376-2004                                                86

Kosmotropes                                                105

Lamp and display phosphors                       123
Luminescence phosphors                             123

Non-thermal electron                                   110

Optical band gap                                          100
Optical study                                                129

Poly(ethyleneterephthalate)                          129
Polymer                                                       100
Porous medium                                              77

Radiation dose                                             129
Rotating channel                                            77

Sagdeev potential                                         110
Second-generation current-controlled
conveyor                                                  133
Solitary wave                                               110
Spray pyrolysis                                            117

Thermal quenching                                      123
Thermal radiation                                           77
Thin films                                                    129
Total energy distribution                                91

Ultrasonic study                                           105

X-ray diffraction                                          117

Y2O3:Eu3+                                                    123
YAG:Eu3+                                                   123

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Indian Concrete Journal-February 2012

Strength, bond and durability related properties of concretes with mineral admixtures
S. Bhaskar, Ravindra Gettu, B.H. Bharatkumar and M. Neelamegam
Harnessing fly ash potential for developing high strength and high durability concrete
R.K. Dhir, M.J. McCarthy and J. Bai


REPAIR AND REHABILITATION: Performance evaluation of concrete I - Girder of a bridge
R.K. Morchhale, S.S. Waghmare, M.D. Goel and S. Murali

POINT OF VIEW: Structural concrete repair – A durability based revised approach is needed
C.S. Suryawanshi

REPAIR AND REHABILITATION: Structural retrofitting to protect deteriorated building
Alok Sarkar

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Views on prevalent construction practices

REPAIR AND REHABILITATION: Detection of defects in bridges using joint shear wave technique: A laboratory study for structural health monitoring
P. Desai and N. Grace

BOOK REVIEW: fib bulletin 60 – Prefabrication for affordable housing

NEW PRODUCT FEATURE: Silo logistics for drymix mortars market, applications, technology and regional trends
Ferdinand Leopolder

    India Drymix Mortar Conference, Mumbai 
    The Second Indian Drymix Mortar Conference and Industry Showcase takes place at The Leela Kempinski Hotel, Mumbai, on 15 March 2012

    Construction Chemicals International Conference 
    The Construction Chemicals Manufacturers’ Association (CCMA) is organising a Construction Chemicals International Conference C3 during February 17-18, 2012 at Hotel Ramada, Powai, Mumbai.

    Multi-purpose high-rise towers and tall buildings 
    International Federation of High-rise Structures (IFHS) is organising the 10th International Conference on Multipurpose High-rise Towers and Tall buildings on Extreme Engineering during November 5 - 6, 2012 at Dubai, UAE.

    Asia Ascending: Age of the Sustainable Skyscraper 
    The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is organising its 9th World Congress during September 19-21, 2012 at Grand Hyatt Jin Mao, Shanghai, China

    ICDCS 2012 
    The School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, UK is organising the 3rd International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures during 17-19 September 2012 at campus.

    The Civil Engineering Department, Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai is organising an international conference on Recent Advances In Engineering, Technology and Management during May 31 – June 02, 2012 at campus.

    Sustainability and Advances in Concrete Technology 
    The Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, is organising an international workshop on Sustainability and Advances in Concrete Technology (SACT 2012) during May 7-8, 2012 at campus.

    Construction Chemicals Conclave 2012 
    The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) jointly with Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India is organising the 3rd International conference on Construction Chemicals "Construction Chemicals Conclave-2012" during February 09-10, 2012, Hotel Le Royal Meridian, Chennai. The Theme of the Conference is "Current Trends in Construction Chemical Industry Worldwide".

    Repair and Rehabilitation of Dams 
    The Central Soil and Materials Research Station, is organising a training course on ‘Repair and Rehabilitation of Dams’ during February 16-17, 2012 at CSMRS, New Delhi.

    Concrete Show India 2012 
    UBM is delighted to announce the launch of the Concrete Show India 2012 taking place from 23-25 February 2012 at the Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai, India.

Indian Foundry Journal-January 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CIVIL ENGG. Volume:91 2011 FEB

1  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  GIS and PCA based Risk Generation in Traffic Mobility in Urban Areas  Risk generation in traffic mobility using PCA and GIS is conducted with the objective of knowing the exact criteria and the links which lead to congestion. The Quthbullapur municipality of Ranga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, has been delineated as the study area. Road network characterization surveys and traffic characterization surveys are conducted in the study area. Travel demand analysis is done using GIS where desire line diagrams, user preferred paths and the functionality of road system have been identified. Identifying congestion in the links of the network is an important task in integrated planning.The performance and functionality of a link can be attributed to many characteristics including the neighbourhood characteristics of the link and there is a research gap in finding the exact criterions which are the real factors of risk generation. So the link has to be evaluated based on these conflicting multi attributes at one point of time. Risk analysis has been done through principal component analysis followed by regression analysis to identify the factors contributing to risk generation and the major links which are leading to congestion.  
2  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  Seismic Pure Friction base Isolation Performance using Demolished Waste in Two-storey Masonry Building  Pure friction isolation technique can be adopted economically in developing countries where low-rise building prevails due to their low cost. In this type of base isolation technique, a clear smoothened surface is created at the plinth level of a two- storey masonry building and the super structure rests at this level to slide freely, except for frictional resistance. Two 1:4 scale two-storey brick model were constructed using 20 % demolished waste as fine aggregate in the mortar replacing cement by weight, on the shake table for dynamic testing for two different friction isolation materials, ie,Teflon (µ = 0.29) and coarse dry sand (µ = 0.36). The structure was separated from the foundation at plinth level, so as to permit sliding of superstructure during testing. An analytical model has also been developed, for this brick building having two mass, spring and dash-pot systems. The observed values of acceleration response of the two models tested with Teflon and coarse dry sand are comparable with the corresponding values of the analytical model.The whole study clearly shows the reduction of response of the sliding system as compared to the response of conventional building. It was observed that the two-storey model with Teflon as a friction isolation material performed better and resisted almost three times the table force as compared to the model with sand as isolation material. Further it was also found that complete sliding of model with dry sand as a friction isolation material, took place at 4.25 kN table force whereas the model with Teflon as a friction isolation material, it was at a table force of 14.3 kN. The present work also concludes that the use of the demolished waste replacing cement in the mortar can be adopted safely and economically as a supplementary building material. A 20% replacement of the cement by demolished waste in the mortar has been safely adopted for constructing a two-storey clay brick masonry building without endangering the seismic safety of the structure.  
3  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  Effect of Crude Oil on Some Properties of Clayey Soil of High Compressibility  The study has been carried out with two broad objectives — to observe the effect of crude oil contamination on some properties of soil and to predict the change in the properties quantitatively in the form of mathematical correlation. Naturally available clayey soil of high compressibility (CH) was used for this study. Laboratory tests were conducted on uncontaminated soil samples and soil samples contaminated at different level of contamination.Mathematical correlation between the soil property and the level of contamination was determined by using statistical methods. Change in liquid limit, plastic limit, unconfined compressive strength and differential free swell index of crude oil contaminated was observed. Liquid limit decreases linearly whereas unconfined compressive strength decreases parabolically with increase in the level of crude oil contamination. Differential Free Swell Index increases parabolically. Change in plastic limit is not significant.  
4  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  Seepage Characteristics and Collapse Behaviour Study of Fly Ash from Ahmedabad  In this experimental work, the efforts are made to determine the engineering properties, seepage characteristics and collapse potential of fly ash collected from Ahmedabad, a city in the western India in Gujarat state. The co efficient of permeability of torrent power and Gujarat Electricity Board (GEB) fly ashes are found to be 1.16 × 10 – 6 m/s and 1.25 × 10 – 7 m/s, respectively and of soil is 3.87 × 10 –6 m/s.Addition of horizontal soil layer reduces the coefficient of permeability of fly ash soil mix. From oedometer tests on the fly ash samples it is observed that the maximum collapse potential for torrent power and GEB fly ash are 0.023 and 0.027, respectively. It is also concluded that there is very little risk of collapse of both fly ash over a wide range of stress. The material can be used for geotechnical applications.  
5  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  Graphical Method to Obtain Dynamic Passive Earth Pressure of Rigid Retaining Wall Supporting c - F Backfill  The study presents a rational graphical approach to obtain the dynamic passive earth pressure on inclined retaining wall having inclined backfill along with surcharge load acting over backfill possessing both cohesion and adhesion.Pseudo-static analysis is carried out to obtain the dynamic passive earth pressure and instead of considering cohesion and adhesion of same magnitude, they can be considered of different magnitudes. Here in this analysis, the critical wedge angle is a single one irrespective of weight, surcharge and cohesion and this fact is also more realistic.  
6  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  A New Device to Apply Repetitive Loading to Soil Sample  A new but simple device to apply repetitive loading to soil sample has been developed by modifying the existing triaxial test set up. The top cover has been replaced with a modified one to accommodate a loading plunger of diameter equal to the diameter of the soil sample.Due to this modification, the cell pressure can be varied without affecting the axial stress and thus tension can be developed in the sample. The new device has been discussed in detail and the representative test results have been presented to show the usefulness of the modification.  
7  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  Monitoring Crustal Deformation of Western Maharashtra Peninsular Shield of India using GPS  The paper gives a broad overview of how GPS can be used to estimate the deformation along the seismic prone Western Maharashtra Peninsular shield of India. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in collaboration with Indian Institute of Geomagnetism Mumbai was actively working in the field of crustal deformation monitoring along Western Maharashtra. An extensive GPS network had been established for this purpose, periodically observed for two campaigns, May 2004 and October 2004, and analysed thoroughly.To understand the pattern of crustal movement along Western Maharashtra during the period of study, the magnitude and direction of deformations of the regional network was estimated. These GPS-estimated deformations were thereby used as an indicator to identify regions of stress build-up and the reliability of the analysis was confirmed with real seismic data collected. The analysis showed the regions of reservoir triggered seismicity, Koyna and Warna were stressed during the period of study.  
8  You are not authorised to download the PDF.  Use of Waste Human Hair as Fibre Reinforcement in Concrete  Reinforcement by fibres can offer a convenient, practical and economical method of overcoming many deficiencies. Hair fibre an alternative non-degradable fibre is available in abundance which creates environmental problem similar to Fly Ash (FA). To see the effect of human hair fibre on compressive, crushing strength and cracking control to economise concrete, and reduction of environmental problems, the present study has been undertaken.Experiments were conducted on concrete prisms with varying percentage of Human Hair Fibre (HHF), ie, 0%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% by weight of cement. Next, in the plain concrete, cement has been replaced with 10% fly ash by weight and same HHF percentage variations were used to make Hair Fibre Reinforced Fly Ash Concrete (HFRFAC). Afterwards, in HFRFAC 6% brick powder was added further to make Hair Fibre Reinforced Fly Ash Brick Powder Concrete (HFRFABC). Further, the HFRFAC was mixed 1.5% lime powder to make Hair Fibre Reinforced Fly Ash Lime Powder Concrete (HFRFALC). For each combination, three cubes were tested for their properties. The result shows that there is encouragable enhancement in its mechanical properties investigated with the addition of human hair fibres. Maximum strength has been obtained in the lime combination case with 2% HHF addition.  

Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences




ISSN : 0971-4588




Design optimization of square and circular aluminium extrusion damage columns
       with crashworthiness criteria

Weld residual stress prediction using artificial neural network and  Fuzzy logic modeling

Feasibility study for the production of non-structural light weight concrete using
      characterized cinder and GGBS

Investigation of tribological behaviour of plasma paste boronized of AISI 8620,
       52100 and 440C steels

Experimental study on fatigue crack identification of 7075 aluminium alloy plate
      using combination NEWMS and TRA

Low phase noise microwave oscillator using meander spurline resonator for
       X-band application

Investigations on MnxZn1-xFe2O(x = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5) nanoparticles synthesized
      by sol-gel and co-precipitation methods

Nano size copper oxide encapsulated urea – formaldehyde resin film for arsenic
       (III) removal from aqueous solutions

Thermal decomposition mechanism of particulate core-shell KClO3-HMX
       composite energetic material


Author Index

Allahbakhsh H R

Chand Mahesh

Das Lelin
Dong J W

Edwin Raja Dhas  J

Gao G L
Gunes I

Kim Nam-Young
Kumanan Somasundaram
Kumar Arvind
Kumar Sandeep

Li D Y
Li Jun-Qiang
Liao Lin-Quan
Liu Peng

Nataraja M C

Pant R P

Rastogi R P

Saemi J
Shankar Ajay
Shi D Q
Shi X D
Shrestha Bhanu
Shukla S K
Singh N B
Song Zhen-Wei

Taktak S

Ulker S

Yan Qi-Long

Zheng Ya